Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sharing Printer as Local Printer

Sometime printing job from sharing printer can make frustation. If you ever met these condition :

  1. Print with local printer smoothly, but can not print from the same printer as sharing printer.
  2. Your 3rd software cannot print using your sharing printer.

You can to do this :

For Windows XP :

  1. Click Start -> Printers and Faxes -> Add a Printer on the left panel -> click Next
  2. Select Local printer attached to this computer and click Next.
  3. Select Create a new port, make sure you select Local Port for the Port Type -> click Next
  4. At Port Name, just input the network path to the printer with this format :
    Example : \\MyPc\FujiXerox M205 b” or “\\\ FujiXerox M205 b
  5. Do you have the printer driver?
    • Yes -> Just hit "Have Disk" button, then navigate to the printer driver file, usually have an extension of *.inf.
    • No -> Select the printer Manufacturer (usually the name of your printer vendor) and select the printer type ar the right panel. (If the same type not listed, just try the closest model number or a generic manufacture and printer type)
  6. Klik Ok, wait for a couple second for Windows to find the shared printer.
  7. Follow the rest of the wizard step until it finish.
  8. Try to print with this new local printer, it shall print smoothly even the physical printer is located as sharing printer.
For other version of windows, just change the step 1 and 2.

For Windows Vista :
  1. Click Start -> Control Panel -> Printers -> double click for "Add Printer"
  2. Select "Add Local Printer" then click Next.
  3. Follow the rest step of windows XP.

For Windows 7 :
  1. Click Start -> Devices and Printers -> click "Add a Printer"
  2. Select "Add Local Printer" then click Next.
  3. Follow the rest step of windows XP.

Hope it can help to solved the sharing printer driver problem.

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